How Cranberries Grow: Summer


The old rule-of-thumb is that cranberries require up to one inch of water per week during the growing season. If rainfall is inadequate, water is applied through the sprinkler system.


Weeds may appear on a cranberry bog during the summer. Workers hand pull weeds or wipe them with a manual or mechanical herbicide applicator.


Pollination is an essential part of cranberry growing. Growers utilize one or two bee hives per acre of bog during bloom, early June through mid-July, to pollinate the cranberry flowers.


Integrated Pest Management (IPM)

Most growers use IPM techniques as an ecological approach to pest control. IPM includes a combination of biological, cultural, or chemical control methods. Throughout the spring and summer, IPM scouts use insect nets and sticky traps to monitor pest activity.

Pesticide Application

Insecticides and fungicides may be applied during the summer months to control or prevent serious damage caused by various insects and diseases. Pesticides are only used when necessary and are applied by state certified applicators. Although occasional applications may be made by helicopter, the vast majority are made through the sprinkler system.