
Environmental and Government Affairs Committee

Evaluates or crafts proposed regulations and legislation; offers suggested policy positions on environmental, regulatory and legislative topics; influences growers, regulators, legislators and the public on key environmental issues; and assists with establishing/maintaining legislative relationships.

Frost Advisory Committee

Provides oversight and input on program operation, enhancements and effectiveness.

Marketing and Promotion Outreach Committee

Promotes the Massachusetts cranberry industry and the Association to both members and the public. Recommends the direction and tone of public relations, media, promotion and educational initiatives. Assists with the planning, development and coordination of promotional products, programs, events and educational outreach activities. Monitors and reviews any outside consultants. Helps recruit volunteers for public speaking events, festivals, programs or other venues where Massachusetts Cranberries are represented. Participate in public events when possible, which may include delivering presentations as part of CCCGA's Cranberry Speakers Bureau Series at local libraries, community organizations, clubs, etc. 

Research Committee

Determines the direction for horticultural and environmental research for the Massachusetts cranberry industry. Identifies research priorities, creates the annual request for proposals (RFP), meets with researchers, and review submissions. Makes recommendations for which proposals should be supported and at what amount and discuss with the funding organization(s).

Technology Committee

Provides direction and input on technological related fields of study that can be used to help improve cranberry production and on-farm efficiency. These may include areas such as: robotics, drones, weather stations, computer systems, applications, big data, and more. A think-tank mentality should be encouraged, whereas no idea should be off the table until reviewed and discussed. Committee make-up is encouraged to be diverse, with outside experts of various fields brought in to help generate ideas or test proof of concept. To better plan for research prioritization, ideas generated from this committee should be brought forward to the CCCGA Research Committee, Cranberry Research Foundation, or CCCGA Board of Directors.