Cranberry Research Foundation


The Cranberry Research Foundation (CRF) was founded in 1996. It is a nonprofit, tax exempt organization that raises and invests funds for the future support of cranberry research projects in the Massachusetts growing region. These projects promote and protect the unique environment of the cranberry system and maintain the viability and heritage of cranberry growing.

The Board of Directors of the Cranberry Research Foundation consists of growers, UMass Cranberry Station representatives, and other industry members. 

Cranberry Research Foundation, Inc.
265D South Meadow Road
Plymouth, MA 02360


CRF makes an ongoing effort to strategically fund projects that have immediate impact on the ability of Massachusetts cranberry growers to grow cranberries.  CRF focuses on projects that improve the sustainability of cranberry production while protecting the environment.


CRF's work would not be possible without financial contributions.  Your gift helps CRF's research efforts aimed at improving the cranberry industry. Through funding research that provides solutions to the many challenges facing the cranberry industry, CRF strives to maintain the viability and heritage of Massachusetts' cranberry bogs. We appreciate your interest in helping to plan for the future success of this unique industry.

A gift to the Cranberry Research Foundation, Inc. can be given in honor or in memory of an individual. CRF may also be designated as the recipient of donations in lieu of flowers as part of final planning. There are many other ways of giving to CRF that do not involve cash. These include appreciated securities, naming CRF as a beneficiary and assigning ownership to a life insurance policy, gifts of tangible personal property, real estate, a bequest in your will, charitable remainder trust, living trust, or charitable lead trust. For more information on ways to give or to make a donation, please read our Planned Giving Brochure. 

Additionally, please contact the CRF office at 508-866-7878 or email at The Cranberry Research Foundation is a non-profit, tax-exempt 501(c)(3) organization.

Golf Tournament

This major fundraising event to benefit the cranberry industry is an annual golf tournament held in July. The tournament is a great opportunity for cranberry growers and members of the community to enjoy a day of golf, fine food and fellowship. In addition, the tournament helps to raise much needed funding for cranberry research. In order to support the ongoing research efforts, CRF relies on individuals to help sponsor this event. For more information on the annual golf tournament, please visit CRF's Facebook page